Friday 27 February 2015

Semakau Landfill

We know now that the bulk of the waste in Singapore gets incinerated and sent to Semakau landfill. But did you know that it is currently our one and only available landfill? 

The Semakau landfill is our very first offshore landfill and it is the only remaining landfill left in Singapore. It was created by enclosing 350 hectares of seaspace between 2 offshore islands – Pulau Semakau and Pulau Sakeng. The islanders were subsequently relocated to mainland Singapore. Our only remaining landfill has a declining lifespan. As of October 2014, it is only slated to last till 2035! That is well within the lifespan of only one generation! 

As such, there is much needed urgency in changing the way in which we dispose of our waste. We seek your cooperation to recycle as much as you can and reduce the amount of waste produced. The waste we look to get rid off individually in our daily lives, may not seem like much. The waste of a nation of millions, then, certainly poses a major threat to the longevity of the landfill. With a bit of effort on our parts, we can change all that. For every item we recycle, the ash volume of one less item gets dumped on Semakau. As a nation, we can make a difference.

Why should we care? The longevity of Semakau will have its impact on us if we keep up our current waste disposal habits. As of now, there are already consequences: the diversity of flora and fauna on the landfill. 

Due to the construction of the landfill, efforts were made to protect the marine ecosystem. In addition, 13 hectares of mangrove were replanted to replace those removed. Currently, wildlife continues to thrive, air and water quality remains good. But this will not be so for long. As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure". Let us do our parts before it is too late!!

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